Records of the Unknown: Operation Convergence: Episode 9

Records of the Unknown: Operation Convergence: Episode 9
The Atomic Broadcasting Variety Hour
Records of the Unknown: Operation Convergence: Episode 9

Oct 31 2023 | 00:28:05

Episode 9 October 31, 2023 00:28:05

Hosted By

Samuel Sarver Abby Fincher Michael Jenkins Sven Nerness

Show Notes

The team splits up once more, this time to investigate leads instead of looking for them. As the day begins to come to an end, the need for sleep becomes more apparent in everyone.

Handler of Operation Convergence: Sam Sarver

Players: Sven, Jack, Abby, and Jenkins.

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The Atomic Broadcasting Variety Hour Official Source: Atomic Variety Hour


The music in the show is from Monument Studios and Dark Fantasy Studio, as well as assorted artists with some original tracks composed by Jordy hake.
Sound effects from various artists can be found at Pixabay
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Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Speaker A: Records of the unknown. Operation Convergence involve story elements that some may find disturbing, including violence, psychological horror, and depictions of suicide. Listener discretion is advised. You are listening to an atomic broadcasting production. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the feature presentation. And remember, do your part, such as, like, comment rate. And don't forget to tell a friend to tune in for an Atomic Time. [00:00:45] Speaker B: While Agents Green and Gray investigated Scott Adams'computer, discovering more leads on the oddities in town, green's fragile psyche was sent into spiraling theories by the last notes of the recently departed journalist. Agents Teal and Olive decided to head out to the reservoir to do some last minute investigating before the night was over. [00:01:18] Speaker A: Life how far we go to preserve it. But what truly defines life? If there's life, then there are facsimiles. Or perhaps there is no life. Not the way we think. Perhaps everything we know is the facimile. Perhaps this is all just a dream, a grand experiment. September 13, 1996 09:30 p.m. Agents Teal and Agents Olive. Pull up to the reservoir. Currently there are about 30 high schoolers gathered talking, drinking, partying around the large pool of water hidden amongst the trees and the hills. [00:02:21] Speaker C: Do we see the van? [00:02:22] Speaker A: The van? What van? [00:02:23] Speaker C: The phenomenax van. [00:02:24] Speaker A: You did not. But you do know that where they were going is more west of the reservoir. Probably pull their vehicle over that way. [00:02:32] Speaker D: Like how far west? Just like on the west side of the body of water. [00:02:36] Speaker A: So you would go to the reservoir and go west, like crossing the highway and down that way. If you take time to look, you'd see there's like a kind of used path that way that a car could drive down. Okay, but you're choosing to go into the reservoir right now, there's some music going, some kids. It look like they're having a good time. [00:02:57] Speaker C: I don't see the van, so yeah, we might have to look for that later. But you think Billy's friends are here? [00:03:04] Speaker D: It's worth a shot. [00:03:06] Speaker C: All right. [00:03:06] Speaker D: Lyn nothing like the FBI breaking up a party. [00:03:09] Speaker C: We're not here to break it up. They can continue. I honestly don't care. We're gonna step out of the car and I guess start asking teenagers where other teenagers are, like good adults. [00:03:21] Speaker A: Oh, you're looking for White and Thompson? Yeah, they're over there by the radio. [00:03:28] Speaker C: Well, thank you. We're going to go talk to them. Enjoy your enjoy. [00:03:34] Speaker A: Thanks, man. So white is over. He doesn't look like he's been drinking at all. He's just kind of chilling. Was kind of twiddling his thumbs a bit at the moment next to the music, and he looks a little nervous. Jameson Thompson is running the music. He looks like he's the DJ here. [00:03:55] Speaker C: He's DJing a radio. [00:03:56] Speaker A: No, the music is over there. Like he's got a whole thing going. [00:03:59] Speaker C: Oh, he has a whole kit. [00:04:01] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:04:01] Speaker C: Which one do you want to talk to first. [00:04:04] Speaker D: It doesn't matter. [00:04:05] Speaker C: Let's not break up the party by distracting the DJ first. [00:04:09] Speaker D: Okay. [00:04:10] Speaker C: We're going to go up to Perry White. Are you Mr. White? [00:04:16] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. Hi. Yeah, I'm Perry. Who are you guys? [00:04:22] Speaker C: Well, no need to be nervous, Perry. We just have some questions for you. [00:04:25] Speaker A: Sorry, I was just thinking about some stuff. [00:04:27] Speaker C: How were we thinking about my friend? [00:04:30] Speaker A: Friends? Both of them, I guess. [00:04:32] Speaker C: Which one? [00:04:33] Speaker A: Who are you? Sorry. [00:04:34] Speaker C: Well, we're here doing a little investigation. Nothing to worry about. [00:04:41] Speaker A: Oh, my goodness. Are you guys more of those UFO guys? I mean, come on. [00:04:46] Speaker D: No. [00:04:47] Speaker A: Why is an old guy and an old lady hanging around us? High schoolers. [00:04:51] Speaker C: How old is Olive? [00:04:53] Speaker D: I'm not that old. [00:04:54] Speaker A: It's kind of creepy. Hey, sorry, ma'am. [00:04:57] Speaker D: I think I'm in my 30s. [00:04:59] Speaker A: Sorry, ma'am. [00:04:59] Speaker C: I don't want to tell you who we are. Loud. It might ruin the party. Would you mind if we stepped over? [00:05:05] Speaker A: I don't feel like I don't want to walk into a creepy corner with two older people. I'm sorry, man. [00:05:12] Speaker C: That's perfectly fine. I'm just going to take out my badge and show him, like, FB and put it back. [00:05:19] Speaker A: He chokes on his juice. [00:05:20] Speaker C: He understand. [00:05:21] Speaker D: Let me just step to the side. [00:05:23] Speaker A: For a yeah, sure. Yeah, that sounds good. [00:05:27] Speaker C: So, what friends were you thinking about? [00:05:29] Speaker A: Oh, I was thinking of Jane and Billy. I haven't seen them in a while. [00:05:34] Speaker C: Oh, Jane's been missing? [00:05:36] Speaker A: Yeah, ever since Billy killed his dad. I haven't seen her. She had the funeral, but we didn't really get to talk because it's a funeral and I've been busy with work. [00:05:46] Speaker C: She was at the funeral? [00:05:47] Speaker A: Jane? [00:05:48] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:05:48] Speaker A: Yeah, she was at the funeral. Is this why you're here? Are you investigating? [00:05:53] Speaker C: No, no, we're not investigating Billy specifically, but it would be beneficial if you can provide us any information about the days leading up to Billy's disappearance, and then yeah, sure. The murder of his father. [00:06:09] Speaker A: He kind of gives you what you've already heard of what you've already kind of know. He doesn't add anything of interest. [00:06:16] Speaker C: Can you tell me where that trail goes? And I'm going to point to the trail that you mentioned earlier. [00:06:21] Speaker A: It just kind of goes out to one of the fields. I think it's a hunting trail. I'm not too sure. I don't do that. Too busy working. [00:06:30] Speaker D: What do you do for work? [00:06:31] Speaker A: I work at the pharmacy with Mr. Jennings. [00:06:34] Speaker D: Oh, that's right. [00:06:35] Speaker A: He's letting me work there since he knows I pursue in that for a career. [00:06:39] Speaker C: Do we get the same sort? Like if we were to talk to Jameson? Same thing. [00:06:43] Speaker E: Same thing. [00:06:44] Speaker C: Okay. [00:06:44] Speaker A: Jameson, Perry don't have a lot of information to hand out. In fact, asking around this whole party, you wouldn't really learn much or anything at all. [00:06:54] Speaker C: Well, this was a big waste of time. [00:06:56] Speaker D: Yes. [00:06:57] Speaker C: You want to see if we can't track down the phenomena's van. You want to head back? [00:07:00] Speaker D: What time is it? [00:07:01] Speaker A: About ten. [00:07:02] Speaker D: We might just want to head back, see if we can get some sleep. [00:07:06] Speaker C: As we're sitting in the car, my character is going to sit there. He's going to put the car and drive. He's going to look at Olive and be like, you know, I don't want this to be a wasted trip. How about we just go down that trail that we search for? If we don't find anything within the first 30 minutes, we can turn around. [00:07:25] Speaker A: It's fine. [00:07:26] Speaker C: All right. And then we're going to go search for the phenomenax fan. [00:07:31] Speaker A: You go down the kind of it's more of a cleared path, so it's mostly dirt, not a lot of grass, but it's very bumpy. Goes down about a mile before you see pulled off to the side. The phenomenon's van Is there anyone by the van? Doesn't look like there's anyone at the van right now. [00:07:55] Speaker C: Well, might as well search their van. Do we see any sign of people often with flashlights or what's your alertness? My alertness is 50. [00:08:05] Speaker A: Do you see some light? Looks like a flashlight. Maybe like quarter a mile to the north. [00:08:11] Speaker C: As long as we're quiet, don't have any lights, we should be fine. [00:08:16] Speaker D: See if we can find anything. [00:08:17] Speaker C: I'm going to leave that to you. [00:08:19] Speaker D: Oh, I'm in charge of searching the van. [00:08:21] Speaker C: Well, you can break in if it's locked. I don't know how to do that. [00:08:25] Speaker D: Oh, that's fair point. [00:08:27] Speaker A: It's unlocked. [00:08:28] Speaker C: Oh, that makes life easier. [00:08:29] Speaker D: Let's search for second. [00:08:31] Speaker A: Are you guys looking for anything in particular? [00:08:34] Speaker C: I want to find any of the tapes, the recordings they've been gathering for the past however long they've been here. [00:08:40] Speaker A: Yeah, they've got them kind of categorized. [00:08:42] Speaker D: Are you going to take them? [00:08:43] Speaker C: Maybe. Does any of them seem of interest? [00:08:46] Speaker A: They're all just kind of got a name and a date. [00:08:49] Speaker C: Oh, so like their interviews, any of the names stand out? Like maybe a Scott Allen? [00:08:54] Speaker D: You mean Scott Adams? [00:08:55] Speaker C: Adams, yeah. Sorry. Scott Adams. [00:08:57] Speaker A: They mentioned hearing about him, but they didn't actually say if they talked to him. They did tell you that he sounds like he'd make a good interview. There are other names like Nancy Allen and such that they did. They even talked to Jane Allen at an earlier point. It would have been early September, so before the funeral and stuff like that. I mean, if any of that is interesting to you, you could grab it. But assuming that they were honest with you, they don't think anything important or interesting happened on any of the interviews. They do also have a tape from last night's recording looking for the lights. [00:09:31] Speaker C: And did they say they found any lights last night? [00:09:34] Speaker A: They said that they don't think they did. They said that Dan saw what he thought was a light in the corner of his eye, that the camera hadn't gotten on it fast enough. Now, you could take it to look over, maybe, in case they're missing something, but it also could just be nothing. [00:09:49] Speaker C: I don't know if I want to tick these guys off. But also, they wouldn't know it's us. [00:09:54] Speaker D: How would they know? [00:09:55] Speaker C: Well, there doesn't really seem to be anything in here. We can go talk to them. Shut the door quietly on your way out. [00:10:01] Speaker D: Okay. [00:10:01] Speaker C: I'll grab the flashlights from the car. [00:10:03] Speaker D: I take the Jane Allen tape. [00:10:05] Speaker A: Eat your flashlights. And you're just heading to them. [00:10:08] Speaker D: Wait, two phenomena? [00:10:09] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:10:09] Speaker D: I'm going to stash the tape in our vehicle first. [00:10:13] Speaker C: That's fine. [00:10:13] Speaker D: And then we can go talk to them. [00:10:16] Speaker A: You guys make your way over there. [00:10:18] Speaker C: Oh, on the way up there, I'm going to look at oh, by the way, me and Gray had a run in with them. We ended on amicable terms. Not the friendliest, but they tried to make us crash into them. It was a weird tactic. [00:10:38] Speaker A: There's three of them the cameraman, the face, and the producer. [00:10:43] Speaker D: I would like to know these names. [00:10:45] Speaker A: Frank, Karen, Cola and Danny. Those are the only names you've gotten? [00:10:50] Speaker C: And Frank is the producer. [00:10:52] Speaker A: Frank karen Cola. [00:10:54] Speaker C: Once we get within your shot of them, just Frank. You guys find anything tonight? [00:11:01] Speaker A: The cameraman looks over at you guys with his camera. [00:11:03] Speaker C: Don't put that camera in my face. [00:11:06] Speaker A: Put it down. Put it down. Put it down. Look up, look up. Look up. The cameraman looks up. What's going on, guys? Oh, hello. You're another yeah, yeah. [00:11:17] Speaker D: Who are you? [00:11:18] Speaker A: I'm Frank. Frank Karen Cole, a producer of phenomena. Here's my card. [00:11:22] Speaker D: Thanks. [00:11:23] Speaker A: You're welcome. Now, what can I do for you, Mr. Teal? You decided to come stick it out with us for the night? We still got a couple hours before we think lights hit up. [00:11:32] Speaker C: Only for a little bit, of course. Now, anything happened so far? [00:11:37] Speaker A: Not so far. From what we've heard, it takes a little longer into the night. Almost kind of into the a. M. We're just here just in case. We want to make sure we don't miss anything this time. We got some trail cams around and see how it goes. [00:11:50] Speaker C: I know you guys said you were going to leave if you didn't get any lights. [00:11:55] Speaker A: It's true. Won't be worth our time, really. [00:11:57] Speaker C: We have an associate who really wants to meet y'all. I think he's a big fan of the show. [00:12:03] Speaker A: Oh. [00:12:05] Speaker C: So if you don't mind swinging by Earl shutdy in the morning before you leave yeah, Merles. [00:12:10] Speaker A: Sure. Yeah, merles. Who is this? [00:12:12] Speaker C: You'll meet him. He's one of us. [00:12:15] Speaker A: Sure. Yeah, we'll meet with him. Sounds great. I love a good interview. [00:12:21] Speaker C: It won't be an interview. [00:12:22] Speaker A: Can't cut a guy a break sometime, can you? Anonymous interview. I mean, come on. [00:12:27] Speaker C: We'll talk about it tomorrow. [00:12:28] Speaker A: All right. You guys came up here. Just tell me that. Are you going to hang out. We got s'mores. [00:12:34] Speaker C: Well, we got to get some sleep. We were hoping that you'd found something. [00:12:38] Speaker A: Not yet. [00:12:39] Speaker C: Maybe interviewed. [00:12:41] Speaker A: We, uh since we talked to you guys, we mostly just set this up for tonight and got this ready. Now we're here. Hopefully we'll find something tonight. I'll let you know if we do. I guess I'll see you at Merles. What time did you want to meet up? [00:12:57] Speaker C: Grey's an early riser, so maybe 08:00 before seven is when he normally gets up. [00:13:02] Speaker A: We'll try. We might be asleep. We're going to stay up pretty late, but we might do an all nighter. We'll see. [00:13:07] Speaker C: All right then. [00:13:08] Speaker A: Might take shifts. I don't know. Last time we took shifts and we all missed it, so yeah, we'll see. We'll play by ear. I'll try and get in touch. If we're going to go to sleep, I'll try and get in contact with Merles to let you know. [00:13:20] Speaker C: I'll just get in contact with the receptionist. Thank you. I forgot the name. [00:13:26] Speaker A: That's what I was going to call Merles. [00:13:28] Speaker C: I thought you were going to call Merle. [00:13:30] Speaker A: No, he's busy with tax season. [00:13:32] Speaker C: Yeah, that'd be kind of rude. [00:13:33] Speaker A: Exactly. [00:13:34] Speaker C: Just to give him a call. [00:13:35] Speaker A: I've tried to call those guys and you get nowhere on the phone. You don't even talk to them. Goes through some other thing. You sure you guys don't want to stay s'mores? Some coffee to stay up, stay awake? You can hang out for like an hour or two. Maybe you'll see something. [00:13:49] Speaker C: Do you want a s'more? [00:13:51] Speaker D: Yeah, actually a s'more sounds great. [00:13:53] Speaker C: All right. We'll stay for a little bit. We'll have some so I'll say no to the coffee. I want to be able to sleep tonight. All right. [00:13:58] Speaker A: Hey, Trent. Two s'mores. [00:14:00] Speaker C: Okay. How long do you want to stay? Like 11, 11 30. [00:14:04] Speaker D: Not long, just enough to get a s'more. [00:14:06] Speaker C: All right, so we'll stay because if it's 1030 now and we stay till like 11, 11 30, we should be able to make it back. And if we go immediately to sleep. [00:14:16] Speaker A: We should be able to get a full night's sleep before 08:00. Yeah, if you stay till about eleven, head back, you could theoretically get to sleep at midnight. [00:14:25] Speaker C: Okay, we'll do that. [00:14:26] Speaker A: All right. So on your way back, it's really late now. It's almost midnight and there's occasional cars because again, this is the interstate. But one car starts following you into town into the back roads to Merles. But when you guys start getting close to Merles, it pulls off into what might have been an alley. As you two head into the motel, let's go get the others and we'll rejoin as a group. It's about 10:00 that evening. Was there anything else you two were wanting to do? Are you two ready to I think. [00:15:01] Speaker F: We were going to go over like the notebook and stuff that I got. [00:15:05] Speaker A: Going over all of that stuff. It doesn't garner much more information. You guys continue poring over these files. It's starting to get late. Are you guys wanting to wait for those two, or are you wanting to just head to bed? [00:15:17] Speaker E: I'm probably just going to head to bed, if that's all right. [00:15:20] Speaker F: It's going to be weird. Do we want to not separate, be in the same room? At least? [00:15:25] Speaker E: I'd assume we'd be in the same room. [00:15:29] Speaker F: I'll take the chair. [00:15:32] Speaker E: Well, I can just stay in one of the rooms with the larger beds if you want to share the bed. I don't mind. Well, yeah, I mean, I feel like you'd be more rested than sleeping on a chair. [00:15:44] Speaker F: Are there any recliners or anything in. [00:15:45] Speaker A: The there's, like a recliner, but there's, like, a soft chair with an ottoman. [00:15:52] Speaker F: Yeah, I guess so. Let's just get some sleep. I'm tired. Tired of looking the screen, tired of looking these files, tired of hearing all these stories that don't make sense. [00:16:03] Speaker E: I don't think they don't make sense. [00:16:05] Speaker F: I can't make sense of them right now. [00:16:07] Speaker E: I feel like I'm on the cusp. [00:16:09] Speaker F: That makes it almost worse. [00:16:10] Speaker A: So as you two start heading to bed, I would like you two to both make sanity checks in order to sleep. Because you've hit a breaking point or suffered temporary insanity, you have to make a sanity check to be able to get a full night's rest. Four under 38, you're out like a light. [00:16:28] Speaker F: Seven under 51. [00:16:30] Speaker A: With the combined might of you two falling asleep together, you successfully sleep comfortably after about a couple more hours. So it's about midnight now. These two roll in. You can see lights are off. You hear snoring from one of the rooms. Do you two also just head off to bed? [00:16:51] Speaker C: I mean, I'm going to go to my room. [00:16:52] Speaker A: Abby, are you also I'm going to. [00:16:53] Speaker D: Go to my room. [00:16:55] Speaker A: Jenkins, you don't have to make a roll asleep. You're good? [00:16:57] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:16:58] Speaker A: Abby, are you doing anything before you go to sleep? [00:17:00] Speaker D: She gets into her bag, pulls out a little baggie. There's a substance in this little baggie. Takes out a credit card, starts meticulously cutting a line of cocaine on the nightstand with a straw. Just snorts some cocaine before bed. [00:17:19] Speaker A: So you do some drugs, and you're planning to get some sleep tonight, or are you planning to just be up. [00:17:25] Speaker D: Hopefully get some sleep. Takes another look at the cigarette butt in her ashtray because she knows that's not hers. [00:17:32] Speaker A: Still there. [00:17:34] Speaker D: Weird. Is there anything messed with in my room? [00:17:37] Speaker A: Everything seems fine. [00:17:39] Speaker D: Is everything in my bag that I remember being there? [00:17:42] Speaker A: There's one thing missing. One cigarette. One of my cigarettes from a previously unopened carton. There's one missing. [00:17:49] Speaker C: Why? [00:17:49] Speaker D: Who's in my cigarettes? [00:17:51] Speaker A: As you're kind of looking at all this stuff and some time has passed, as you're getting ready to head to bed, under the door, you hear a little bit of, like, a scrape, and you see an almost like cyan color glow for a minute and then turns like a little bit of an orange light to a lavender light. And you hear sounds of, like, feet, but it sounds like more than 2ft, and it looks like it stops in front of your door for, like, two minutes and then it just starts moving again. [00:18:33] Speaker D: It doesn't come into my it doesn't do it doesn't knock. I'm going to get up and open the door. [00:18:42] Speaker A: I want you to roll a power check. [00:18:44] Speaker D: Okay. 94 over 90. [00:18:51] Speaker A: 94 over 90. [00:18:52] Speaker D: Yeah. [00:18:54] Speaker A: As soon as you open the door, you freeze, like, you can't move in a state of paralysis almost. You hear another door close. It sounds like the door next to you, like Teal's room, but you can't move. You didn't see anything even you couldn't even move your eyes to, like, look to the side to see if maybe it was just out of you. And then about 30 minutes pass, and you're just standing there, staring. You can't close your eyes. You can't move your eyes. You feel like you can't even breathe. And then it just lets up. Will you roll a sanity check? [00:19:42] Speaker D: Yeah. Whoo. 66 under 82. [00:19:51] Speaker A: So with the critical success, you take one sanity point of damage, and then you're able to move again. [00:19:58] Speaker D: I'm going to step out into the. [00:20:00] Speaker A: Hall and still raining, still storming. It feels really cold now. [00:20:07] Speaker D: Okay, I'm going to go look at the door. I thought I heard close, not open it, but just look and see if I can see anything underneath it. [00:20:19] Speaker A: It's Teal's room right next to yours. When you look under, it's just dark. [00:20:24] Speaker D: Okay, I'm going to knock on his door. [00:20:30] Speaker A: No response. You start to walk away, and that's when you realize the door wasn't fully closed. Oh, it kind of opens a little bit. [00:20:41] Speaker D: With that said, I'm going to go into Teal's room. [00:20:44] Speaker A: You go into teal's room. The room is as you would expect it to be, except Teal's not there. [00:20:52] Speaker D: What? [00:20:53] Speaker A: Teal is not there. [00:20:55] Speaker D: I'm gonna turn the light on. [00:20:56] Speaker A: You turn the light on. He's not there. The windows closed. All the doors are closed except for this front door, I guess. His blankets tucked in like he's never. [00:21:07] Speaker D: Been in the bed. [00:21:08] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:21:09] Speaker D: I'm going to go over to Gray's. [00:21:13] Speaker A: Room, then olive, you go up to the room where Gray and Green are staying. You knock on their door. This wakes them up because they're sleeping nicely. [00:21:21] Speaker D: It's like an urgent knock, too. [00:21:24] Speaker A: If you look at the clock, it's about 130. You stayed up about an extra hour with the drugs. [00:21:30] Speaker D: That's true. [00:21:31] Speaker A: And then that thing happened to you for about 30 minutes. [00:21:34] Speaker F: What intornation? [00:21:36] Speaker E: Is that an emergency? [00:21:37] Speaker D: Yes. [00:21:41] Speaker A: Who is it? [00:21:42] Speaker D: It's Olive. [00:21:44] Speaker F: Olive? [00:21:45] Speaker A: What? [00:21:46] Speaker D: Open the door. [00:21:47] Speaker E: I'm going to try and reach to grab, but I forget that I'm missing. [00:21:52] Speaker A: Hand and I'm going to fall over. See here. [00:21:55] Speaker D: Open the door. [00:21:57] Speaker C: I'm coming, I'm coming. [00:21:58] Speaker E: I'm missing. [00:21:59] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:22:00] Speaker F: Gray gets up and just kind of blurry. [00:22:05] Speaker E: I'm going to try and grab any kind of I'm going to grab a lamp. [00:22:09] Speaker A: All right. [00:22:09] Speaker C: Okay. [00:22:09] Speaker A: You have a lamp? [00:22:10] Speaker F: Greg unlocks. You hear the door unlock, and he opens the door. [00:22:17] Speaker A: You see a rather hopped up olive. Olive. [00:22:21] Speaker F: This better be something good. [00:22:23] Speaker D: Teal's missing. [00:22:25] Speaker A: You're, like, drenched in sweat right now. [00:22:27] Speaker F: Teal's missing. [00:22:29] Speaker D: Teal is missing. [00:22:31] Speaker E: Missing? [00:22:31] Speaker D: How he's missing? He's not in his room. Looks like he's never been in there. This is probably going to sound insane. I'm going to come in. [00:22:42] Speaker A: Okay. [00:22:46] Speaker D: So when I went to bed, I don't know if any of you saw it or heard it, but there was a light in the hall. [00:22:53] Speaker E: Nope. [00:22:54] Speaker A: Gray and green while she's talking. You can tell she is on something right now. [00:23:00] Speaker D: Olive, no, listen to right. [00:23:03] Speaker C: All right. [00:23:04] Speaker E: Olive, you have something on your nose. [00:23:06] Speaker D: Shut up. [00:23:06] Speaker F: What did you see? [00:23:07] Speaker D: There was a light in the hall. It was, like, a blue color, and then it was, like, an orange and a yellow, and there was some sort of scraping noise. And I go out in the hall, or I open my door to see if there's anything there. There's nothing. [00:23:24] Speaker A: Sven as she's talking, you start to hear something in the back of your head. Just a little buzing, just a little buzzing, humming, and he just kind of. [00:23:36] Speaker F: Scratches the back of his head. So light hallway? [00:23:40] Speaker D: Yes. [00:23:41] Speaker F: Nothing. [00:23:41] Speaker D: There nothing there. But when I opened the door okay, there was nothing there. But I couldn't move. I couldn't move for, like, 30 minutes. My eyes I couldn't even move my eyeballs to see if there was anything I couldn't move. [00:24:02] Speaker E: While she's talking, I'm going to start. [00:24:04] Speaker A: Taking my next dose of painkillers. [00:24:07] Speaker D: And then I thought I heard the sound of the door next to me. Teal's room. I thought I heard the sound of the door. When I could finally move again, I went over. I knocked on his door, but it wasn't locked. It was open, like, not fully latched. I went in there. He's not in there. [00:24:25] Speaker E: All right, the easiest thing to do is let's go double check. [00:24:28] Speaker F: Let's go look at what's going on. Did you check any other rooms? [00:24:31] Speaker D: I checked his room. [00:24:32] Speaker F: Okay. All right. [00:24:34] Speaker D: He said he was going to bed. [00:24:35] Speaker F: I'm awake now. [00:24:36] Speaker D: I watched him go into his room. [00:24:39] Speaker F: Yeah, I'm sure you did. [00:24:41] Speaker E: Out of curiosity, did you take any substances before or after? [00:24:46] Speaker D: It's not important. [00:24:47] Speaker E: I think the timing could potentially be important. [00:24:49] Speaker D: Can we just please go check. [00:24:53] Speaker A: Jill's. [00:24:54] Speaker F: Room and make sure he's all right? [00:24:57] Speaker E: I'll grab my lamp. [00:24:59] Speaker C: Yeah. [00:25:00] Speaker F: We go down and to Teal's room. And is the door open or closed? [00:25:06] Speaker A: The door's open. The light's on. There's nobody in there. [00:25:09] Speaker F: What's it look like? [00:25:10] Speaker A: The bed's tucked in. Everything looks good. [00:25:12] Speaker F: None of his stuff. [00:25:13] Speaker A: His stuff is there. It's not like his stuff isn't there. [00:25:16] Speaker E: Green's gonna go to Jane's room. [00:25:18] Speaker A: Go to Jane's room. [00:25:20] Speaker F: Gray's gonna look in there and just see everything neat and tidy and go. You said he came in? [00:25:25] Speaker D: Yes, I watched him go into his room and shut the door. [00:25:28] Speaker F: Green, where are you going? [00:25:29] Speaker E: I'm gonna check on Jane. [00:25:30] Speaker F: That's a good on. Hold on. And he runs back to his room, opens the door, comes out, and you can see obviously, he's carrying a pistol. [00:25:40] Speaker A: Now, you go into Jane's room. She is sleeping. [00:25:46] Speaker E: Does she still look pregnant? [00:25:47] Speaker A: Yes. Okay. Very much so. A little bit more so than last time you saw her. [00:25:52] Speaker E: Does anything about the room seem different from how we left it? [00:25:55] Speaker A: No. This room looks the same. [00:25:57] Speaker E: I'm going to slowly close the door. [00:25:59] Speaker A: Okay, you do. [00:26:00] Speaker F: So how's she doing? [00:26:01] Speaker E: She's in there. She's sleeping. Still got everything. Looks the same. I was going to say normal, but could he potentially just be taking a night walk? [00:26:12] Speaker D: I don't know why he would. [00:26:14] Speaker F: Well, let's take a look around. Let's see if he's out the car. Maybe he's out of the car. [00:26:20] Speaker A: So you guys take a look around. Both the cars are there. Abby, you see a car driving away? Looks kind of similar in shape to the car you saw before that pulled into an alleyway. [00:26:32] Speaker D: That's all I can see of it. [00:26:33] Speaker A: Yeah, it's like driving off. It's still dark. [00:26:37] Speaker D: How far away driving off? [00:26:39] Speaker A: Block and a half. Okay, never mind going slow. [00:26:42] Speaker D: Like how slow? [00:26:44] Speaker A: Well, he's using stop signs. [00:26:46] Speaker F: All right, since apparently we're not getting a good night's sleep tonight. What did you guys go do? [00:26:52] Speaker E: First of all, Olive, you said you went to go talk to Phenomex. Did you guys talk to them? [00:26:57] Speaker D: Yeah, but we didn't. [00:26:58] Speaker A: As you're starting to say that you guys are suddenly blinded by a very bright white light and you're suddenly overcome by a loud noise, like it's really this wind is blowing everywhere. This light shines down on all of you. And then we cut to black. Thank you for tuning into our program. If you haven't already, we encourage you to check out our weekly show, the Written and the Lost a Pathfinder two e actual Play podcast. We'd also like to take this time to thank Arc Dream Publishing for the system and setting of Delta Green and to John Scott Tynes and everyone else who worked diligently to give us this edition of Operation Convergence. Information on music used is found in the description. Thank. Thank you and have an atomic time.

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